The Easter Story

Now we all know about the Easter story in one form or another, but I wanted to stay true to all of the Biblical accounts, to really get a grasp of what actually happened. Below is my effort:


Matthew- Mt

Mark- Mk

Luke- Lk

John- Jn

1 Corinthians- 1 Cor


After his sentence, Jesus carried his cross by himself (Jn 19:17), but also got a passer-by, Simon of Cyrene, to carry it for him (Mk 15:21). At Golgotha, Jesus is crucified with two criminals on either side. Talking about the criminals, Jesus says “Father forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing” (maybe in Lk 23:34). The chief priests and scribes mock Jesus with passers-by (Mt 27:39), or the people just stood by watching (Lk 23:35). One of the criminals joined in with the mocking, whilst the other repented, and based on that, Jesus allows him to go to heaven (Lk 23:43).


At the point of death, Jesus’ last words were “Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?” (Mk 15:34), but also they were “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit” (Lk 23:46), but also he got thirsty and said “I am thirsty”, before announcing “It is finished” (Jn 19:28-30). This causes the temple curtain to be torn in two, and other dead people rose from their graves and appeared to many (Mt 27:53). Then things settled down a bit.


And on the third day after the resurrection, early in the morning, just before (Jn 20:1) and after (Mk 16:2) sunrise, some women visited the tomb. Those who visited included Mary Magdalene (Jn 20:1), with/without another Mary (Mt 28:1), with/without Mary the mother of James and Salome (Mk 16:1), with/without Joanna and others (Lk 24:10). When they got there, they wanted to anoint Jesus’ body, and so they discussed amongst each other who should roll the stone away from the entrance (Mk 16:3), but when they got there, the stone had already been rolled away. And then an angel arrived to roll the stone away from the entrance (Mt 28:2). This angel, or man (Mk 16:5) may or may not have been accompanied by another angel (Jn 20:12), or another man (Lk 24:4). The angel-men asked the woman/women “Why are you weeping?” (Jn 20:13) or told them that Christ has risen and that they should not be afraid (Mt/Mk/Lk). The woman/women were of course afraid (Mt 28:8) and even though they were told to spread the message that Jesus had risen, they said nothing to anyone (Mk 16:6).


But of course they changed their minds (because how else would we know about this story?!) and ran to tell his disciples (Mt 28:8). That wasn’t really necessary, because Jesus started his appearances. First he appeared to the women (Jn 20:14), but not before he appeared to Peter (1 Cor 15:5), but not before he appeared to the famous disciple Cleopas and another (Lk 24:25). After these first appearances, he visited others, including the twelve disciples (1 Cor 15:5), or the eleven disciples on a non-descript mountain (Mt 28:16). Then he ascended to heaven. Oh wait, he also appeared to five hundred others, and his brother James, and to St Paul (1 Cor 15:6-8).


I hope that clears things up a bit. If there are any questions (and, let’s face it, there really shouldn’t be after that analysis), consult your Bible. The answer/answers should be in there.

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